Friday, August 26, 2011

Dyeing Handwork Bags

Thanks to NATIVEARTH who generously donated these cotton bags to the Handwork classroom.  Here they are sorted by grade and ready to be dyed.
Somehow in the heat of the summer I managed to dye all 250 bags in my tiny or what I like to call my "gnome kitchen."  
Note to self: always protect all surfaces before dumping boiling hot pink dye into the kitchen sink...good thing rubbing alcohol removes pink stains from counters, cabinets and floors! 
All dyed and hanging on the line

Thanks to all the parent volunteers who are helping me to finish iron and sew these beautiful handwork bags for the children.  Stand by for the finished product!

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello and welcome to my blog,
My name is Liza Cole-Brant. As I embark on this new and exciting year of teaching, I would like to explore a bit of my inspiration and artistic journey.  From all the many aspects of my life, this blog is a place for me to share a glimpse of my aspiration; a life rooted in beauty.